
This is a work of great genius, and I don't say this lightly. It definitely left a lasting impression. Other reviews describe this book as very depressing; and, while it definitely isn't a feel good read, I feel that at the end, there is a little light at the end of the tunnel. The relationship between father and son moved me greatly and I'm having a very hard time articulating my feelings about this book.

McCarthy tells his tale using a very simply writing style, but incredibly beautiful language. That the author can create such a stunning mood without embellishment or fancy devices, is one of the main reasons this book had such an impact.

I think that each person who reads The Road will take with them something a little different.

This is definitely a MUST read.

1 comment:

Mr. Nauton said...

Agree with you completely here -- awesome book, should be read by everyone... agree with you on LT's awesomeness (?) as well, and your blog is not too bad either!